investment property

10 Most Common Home Buyer Questions

Buying a new home is exciting and confusing. There are a lot of steps to buying a home, and people have questions. These are the most common questions home buyers have, and the answers.

1. How do I get started? – The first step is to speak with a lender and get a pre-approval. This will tell you, and potential sellers, how much you can afford.

2. How long does it take to close on a home? – Typically, it takes about 30-45 days once contracts are signed to complete the lending, appraisal, and inspection processes.

3. What does my agent do? – A buyer’s agent will negotiate terms and manage the closing process from start to finish.

4. How much do I pay for a buyer’s agent? – Nothing. The seller’s agent gives the buyer’s agent a portion of their commission from the seller.

5. What credit score do I need to qualify? – A 620 FICO score or higher is required for most home loan programs. Talk to a lender for other options for lower scores.

6. How much money do I need for a down payment? – It varies. FHA loans start as low as 3% and most lenders offer standard programs for a 5% down payment.

7. What other fees will I need to pay? – Closing costs and loan origination fees will add another 2-4% to the costs.

8. What if I change my mind? – Your agent will work with you to build in contingencies for condition, loan terms/approval, and other protections to allow you time to evaluate the home during escrow.

9. When do I get the keys? – Unless you’ve negotiated extra time for the sellers to move, you’ll get the keys at the closing.

10. What’s the best advice for home buyers? – Trust the experts and ask lots of questions. Buying a new home is exciting. Reduce any anxiety by finding a good buyer’s agent who can help you make the best choice for your needs.

The Benefits of Owning a Second Home

As the world emerges from the pandemic era and begins to look for a new normal, we’ve all changed the way we look at homeownership and lifestyle. More and more, families are forgoing exotic vacations and using the savings to enhance their home for staycations. In addition to the home improvement boom, the second home market has also exploded. Owning a second home was once a privilege for the rich and famous, but now even those with a modest income can purchase a second home.

There are some great benefits to owning a second home. The first is enjoyment. Many people buy a second home to get a change of scenery. With more companies offering a work-from-home option, spending winter in a warmer climate has become feasible for the average person.

There are financial advantages to buying a vacation home. A second home can help you save money on your taxes. The mortgage and property taxes of a second home can be deducted from your income in the same way a primary home is. The property can also be rented out while not in use to provide extra income or pay for the costs of the home.

Owning a second home can enhance the lifestyle of the family. Building equity in two properties will build wealth more quickly while providing an alternate location for work or fun.